Expat with a UK mortgage? – time to review your deal
Mortgage rates are unlikely to improve in the near future so now is the ideal time for borrowers to secure a fixed-rate deal on their mortgage. Borrowers who are on a standard variable rate (SVR) or coming to the end of their term have the potential to save themselves thousands of pounds on their mortgage
The savings can be substantial and could easily pay for home improvements or that much longed-for family holiday.
The near all-time low rates will not last forever, the wise expat should look to secure a deal and speak to an independent broker straight away.
Independent brokers
Not only can brokers offer a far wider range of products and options for consumers which they may otherwise not have access to, or the time to find, but their invaluable expertise will be able to help you secure a great deal on your mortgage.
What does a mortgage broker do for expats?
Essentially, they are there to help expats find the best mortgage deals in the UK. They aim to make that as simple and stress-free as possible, looking at each person’s situation and finding the best product to match their needs.
The mortgage product minefield
There are many expat residential and buy-to-let mortgage products currently available in the UK. This number is increasing every year, highlighting the sheer number of options out there. That is a big minefield to navigate if someone wants to investigate all of those without help. Combine all those options with infinitely-varied personal and income circumstances, plus the variety of property types and how they can impact a buyer’s options… the value of obtaining correct advice has never been higher.
Need assistance
If you are an expat looking to secure a mortgage in the UK, please do make contact and one of our qualified independent advisers will be pleased to help.