remortgages for expats uk property expat mortgage

Expat Mortgage Strategy

Expat Mortgage Strategy for First time expat landlords. A sound strategy should always be in place.

Investing in property whether it’s your first investment or your fifth can give you goose bumps at any time of year.

The UK rental market is currently booming.

The key to any successful investment is ensuring you have a sound expat mortgage strategy. For property, this means a combination of fundamental elements. These theoretically add up to you finding a property that will deliver growth. As well as provide a regular rental income (if this is a goal), allowing you to passively grow your wealth over time.

These elements are good location, connectivity, amenities, infrastructure, and investment and of course tenant demand which, if you get the first four right, should come naturally.

One of the worst nightmares for any landlord is experiencing a long void period. If you committed to your sound strategy, you will have hopefully purchased a good quality property. Always in a high demand area which should help to reduce the risk of a lengthy void period.

Reduce risks to a minimum

In other words, make sure you have contents insurance. Always put your tenant’s deposit into a deposit protection scheme and have a sum set aside to cover maintenance costs.

Always review your expat mortgage strategy

It is also worth carrying out a regular review of your finances to make sure you aren’t paying out more than you need. Especially on your mortgage payments plus you’re taking advantage of any tax relief available to you.

If you plan to pass on your property as inheritance, make sure you have a solid and tax efficient plan for this too.

Need some Expat Mortgage help?

If you require any assistance with your new or existing mortgage, please do call. One of our fully qualified independent advisers who will be happy to help.