Expat Mortgage Costs
Expat Mortgage Costs for UK Property. These costs need to be taken into account when purchasing a new home or re-mortgaging. This is so that you can produce an accurate budget, which will help to ascertain if what you are trying to achieve is the sensible way forward and actually achievable. Contact Us to find out more or Request A Call Back
Expat Mortgage Costs For UK Property:
Legal & Solicitors Fees
Legal fees typically include:
- Stamp Duty
- Solicitor’s Fees
- Search Fees
These fees can be quite substantial and generally increase in line with the value and where the property is situated. As such we will of course use our expertise to guide you through the relevant costs and try to minimise these as far as possible.
Lenders Fees
Fees normally charged by mortgage lenders are:
- An arrangement fee
- A booking fee
- A valuation fee.
These will vary dependent on the lender. Additionally some lenders will assist with legal costs or offer further incentives to gain or retain your custom. We will research these in order to get the best overall package for you.
Broker’s Fees
Brokers must inform you how they are paid and how much they charge for their administration and processing services where regulated mortgage products are concerned. These will vary according to the choice of broker, complexity of the case etc. Again, we will use our expertise to minimise these costs as far as possible. Also we would naturally hope to be recommended, by you, to others – and for you to use us again – during future mortgage arrangements.