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Can I Get A Better Expat Mortgage Rate ?

Can I get a better expat mortgage rate? Expats are advised to check their current mortgage deal!!

Firstly if you are one of the thousands of expats who have not re-mortgaged you may get a better rate. If you are still on a standard variable rate deal now is the time to review your circumstances. If the predictions are correct interest rates are due to rise early in the 2025 with further rises on the horizon.

Re-mortgaging numbers in particular have been rising month on month and continue to do so. So, can I get a better mortgage rate? Quite simply yes. Expats have recognised that interest rates could be due to increase in 2025. Many have already taken advantage of the fixed rate deals that are available.

The wise expat will move to re-mortgage now sooner rather than later.

Good news is there are still some very good fixed and discount deals on offer, but it’s likely they won’t be around for much longer.

Fixing the rate cheaper than betting against rate rises?

Fixed rate expat mortgages are now proving to be better value than the tracker type plans, particularly for lower loan-to-value borrowers. Low loan-to-value mortgages are now proving better value than their tracker equivalents at 2-, 3- and 5-year periods.

Even for fixed rate higher loan-to-value mortgages, the current cost of borrowing is only marginally higher than tracker products. Fixed rate plans are without doubt becoming more popular especially with the investor with multiple properties.

Note, usually the larger the deposit you have the better the deal, but there are still some very good deals available for expats with smaller deposits.

Due to the range of products available and your current/future plans it is important to get professional independent advice.

Independent brokers

It also emerged the number of expat borrowers using an independent broker to re-mortgage has also hit a record high in 2024 and this year continues in that vein.

Can we help?

Finally If you are looking for a new or re-mortgage, please do make contact. One of our independent advisers will be happy to assist.