Expat Mortgage Broker
Expat Mortgage Broker
Seek independent advice and make life easier
Many expat borrowers could be missing out on a better mortgage deal by not speaking to an independent adviser.
Almost 70% of EXPAT borrowers who went straight to a lender haven’t re-mortgaged in the last five years, 74% stayed with their current lender because they felt they had a ‘good deal’.
Without seeking independent Expat mortgage advice, individuals would have missed out on the extra mortgage deals that are only available through a mortgage adviser/broker.
Analysis showed that the mortgage industry still needs to demonstrate the value of independent mortgage advice to expat borrowers.
What does a mortgage broker do for expats?
Essentially, they are there to help expats find the best mortgage deals in the UK. They aim to make that as simple and stress-free as possible, looking at each person’s situation and finding the best product to match their needs.
Survey facts show.
66% who didn’t seek advice when they took out their last mortgage didn’t know mortgage advisers were there to help the borrower, and just over a third (34%) thought an independent mortgage adviser was there to support the lender.
It’s a fact that expat borrowers going through an independent mortgage adviser have access to far more advantageous deals than those going direct to the lender.
Expats who used a mortgage adviser were also in favour of doing so again. Nearly all (98%) said that they found the support of a mortgage adviser ‘valuable’ and a further 95% said they would recommend using an independent mortgage adviser to family or friends.
Can we help?
If you are looking for a new expat deal or re-mortgaging, please do make contact and one of our fully independent advisers will be happy to assist.